I plan to put up a website for the litter after the holidays - a place where each puppy will have its own page. But until then I would like to introduce you to the new owners of the Ice Cream Litter.
In birth order they are:

Mr. Blue (still unnamed) now lives in Florida and is owned by Paula Cauley. They will be doing field and agility.

Miss Rainbow is now Gaylan's P'Nut Butter Cup Sundae - "Reese" and is owned by Dr. Sharon Albright from Maryland. They will be doing obedience and field work.

Miss Orange is Gaylan's Kimberlite Ice - "Kimber" who is going to be living in CO with Laurie and Frank Sheppard. They will be doing agility, obedience and service dog work.

Mr. Green is now Gaylan's Jamaican Me Crazy - "Doc" owned by Michelle Foster of Old Brookville, NY. They will be doing field, agility and obedience. Here they are with Michelle's husband Henry.

Miss Lavender moved to Wisconsin with Dana Bourassa and is now known as Gaylan's Rainbow Promise Parfait - "Journey". They will be doing obedience and agility. Here they are seen with Dana's husband John.

Mr. Black moved to Yorktown Heights, NY with Steven and Wendy Greenburger. They are planning on giving obedience and agility a try.

Miss Red stayed home with me and is now Gaylan's Triple Talent - "Scoop". We will be doing agility, field, obedience and perhaps a little tracking. Scoop is seen here "scooping" up her pigeon.

Miss Yellow is not with her new owners yet, as they are working at the Cleveland trials this weekend. Al and Irene Lamphere (of Max 200) will pick Miss Yellow up this week and head home to Weedsport, NY where they will be doing agility.

Miss Brown is now known as Gaylan's Roddenberry A La Mode - "Kira" and lives with Ann and Mike Lynn of Ithaca, NY. Kira will be doing obedience and field work.
Please check back after the holidays for the link to the website.
Thanks for spending the time to follow Gaylan's Ice Cream Litter!!!!