Michelle Foster and Miss Orange
A big yawn from one of the "flavors."
Chex is now nursing the pups standing up, which helps their physical development.
I did not have time before I left to go to CHE to do any blogging. So catching up, the pups had two new visitors, Michelle Foster and Mary Beth Guyther. Both of them were amazed at how well they got around, considering their age.
I could not get over the changes in the four days I was gone. When I left for CHE's agility trials the pups' ears had just opened. They were quite active and just starting to interact with each other. When I got home they were completely different puppies - playing with each other when they were awake. They also found their voices, barking at things and each other. Although by weight this is not true, they look like they doubled in size. They climb out of the whelping box over the small door. Weighing them is more of a chore since they do not want to sit still long enough for the scale to register one weight. Their teeth are coming in, too.
I have to say my husband Jim did an incredible job taking care of the gang while I was gone. Kerry stopped by on Saturday for a visit and clipped their nails (which grow so fast!!) Lise and Goretta came down on Sunday for a visit.
I am recovering from the CHE trials, which went really well. Four days of agility trials with raffles, and two matches at night - what a lot of work, as well as a lot of fun being with friends for a great cause. We got a lot of compliments on how things were run and it looks like we raised some money for canine health research. On top of that, I won one of the Super Raffles, a canine semen freezing at Straws To Paws (www.strawstopaws.com) as well as a few of the daily raffles. If I keep one of the boys that will certainly come in handy :o)
Now that I am home I have had time to put up new pictures and video, so check them out.
More later...